What outfit do you think little Jenaleigh should wear when she comes home from the hospital (after she stays put in the womb for another 5 weeks or so... did you hear me, little girl?)?
1. A Dress (not this exact one, but one similar)
2. A Sleeper (we have this very one in NB size)
3. A Onesie (this whole ensemble was a gift from Jenaleigh's Mee Mee! It doesn't show up very good in this picture, but the onesie says "Mommy loves me")
4. A Romper (yet again, not this exact one, but one similar)
Cast your vote here and if you have some rationale behind your choice that you'd like to share, please leave a comment!
I voted for a dress because I haven't ever had that option. :) Kevin came home in the very same outfit that Mark wore home from the hospital. I couldn't believe that my MIL a)still had it and b)was willing to part with it. Zane came home in an outfit that Mark picked out, a little one-piece sweater deal. It was adorable. Whatever sweet Jenaleigh is wearing witll be precious!