Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dear Baby . Homecoming

Dearest Jenaleigh,

It's the middle of April and the weather is so pretty. It makes me imagine all the fun we'll get into next year in the spring and summer -- rolling around in the grass, chasing each other around in the yard, playing in the dirt. Your daddy will be there in the middle of all the fun, too! He loves playing outside!

Tomorrow is a big day for us. We're coming home from the hospital (if the Lord wills). Your mommy has been here for almost three weeks! Wow! And you've stayed safe inside of me and active the whole time. In fact, a few nurses have even told us how "textbook" you are after you're on the monitor each day. But you know what I think? You're even better than textbook! And you've been sooooo active lately. I can't believe that you still have room to move around, but you sure to roll your bottom up into my ribs!

Anyway, back to tomorrow... We're coming home! The next time (hopefully) we come home from a hospital we'll have a little Jenaleigh in our arms. I'm so excited for that day to get here. I can't wait to place you in your bassinet for the first time, to rock you in my glider for the first time, to bath you for the first time, and all the host of "firsts" that will follow. Just a few more weeks until your "estimated date of arrival"!

I love you,

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