Thursday, April 21, 2011

Anti "Push Present"

For those of you who aren't in the know ... a "push present" (or "push gift") is a gift from the dad to the mom as a "thank you" or "way to go" for giving birth to their new baby.

In my situation, I am very ANTI push present. I feel like it should be me giving Daniel the gift! I know, I know, pregnancy, labor, delivery, etc is such hard work, but my husband has done a TON of hard work during this whole pregnancy!

(I'm sure he isn't going to like the fact that I'm bragging on him ... but, I'm going to do it anyway!)

During my 6 weeks of "morning sickness", the EXTRA stuff he did, included:
  • Ran out at all hours of the day/night to buy me food that I thought wouldn't make me sick (turns out, most of it still did)
  • Cooked meals that I thought would be appetizing (most of them stayed on my plate and not in my stomach)
  • Ran up and down the stairs to bring me things while I was in bed
  • Washed the dishes/Cleaned the kitchen
  • Concocted a ginger tea to help battle the nausea (it worked but was GROSS)

During the last 6 weeks, the EXTRA stuff he did, included:
  • Spent more than16 hours on the road traveling from Hardin to the hospital to be with me
  • Slept on an uncomfy pull out bed on the days he was in the hospital with me
  • Put together baby furniture (all FOUR pieces of furniture that came boxed up in a jillion pieces)
  • Brings me my breakfast in bed every morning
  • Prepares/Cooks ALL of my meals for me (except when we're blessed to have friends bring over food for us!)
  • Brings a plate of food to to me wherever I am
  • Refills my water cup throughout the day
  • Does a ton of laundry
  • Does even more loads of dishes
  • Has kept (and continues to keep) the house in tip top shape
During all of the pregnancy, the EXTRA stuff he did, included:
  • Dealing with my crazy mood swings and outbursts of tears
  • Tagged along to 23409832 doctors/midwife appointments
  • Been an emotional rock for me
  • Asked questions and tried to stay as informed as possible about what was going on in each stage of pregnancy
  • Feeding the dogs each and every morning (used to be one of my "chores")
  • ... and much much more...

Before you start saying, "But he's supposed to do those things" or "You're doing the hard work carrying the baby", let me stop you. I understand that I am doing a great and noble thing by carrying our child in my womb, but I also understand that D is doing a great and noble thing by being such a wonderful husband!

Many many many men are not this attentive to their pregnant wives! Some because they have no choice (thankfully Daniel's job hours are somewhat "flexible), some because they aren't in tune with what their wives need; some because they're just meanies!

I am SO thankful to have a husband is willing to do so much for me. I think he deserves a push present! What about you? :-)


  1. My response is "Yes, Martha, you are blessed." But then I have to add "but so is Daniel - by the sheer virtue of your recognition alone of all his goodness".Don't you know there are women who expect, demand, whine about, whatever, receiving this treatment while pregnant - and even when they are not! So I'm fairly certain there is a wonderful balance within your marriage - which I pray continues after Jenaleigh's arrival, too!!! So perhaps you both deserve an extra gift other than the ones you have already found in each other!;-)

  2. Thanks, Tina! I think we do have a great balance that we'll hopefully continue to work on and foster for the rest of lives! (And I do like the idea of the mutual gift giving!)
